First Year

Monday, January 7, 2008

One week changes everything

Well, Sweetheart, you've been with us a whole week now and how life has changed around here!

We spent your first two nights in the hospital, and on New Year's Day Daddy and I brought you home. The next day the nicest nurse came to visit, and the day after Deb (the post partum doula, a helper for Mommy) was here.

That night, your great aunt Tita met you for the first time, when she and your Grandparents came over and brought a Phillipino feast. YUM! Now she has gone back to Regina, but will return for your Christening, we think sometime in May. Your Grandparents have also left for a few months of California sunshine in their Motor home and will be back in April. They are going to MISS you!!

The next night your Grandma Carol was here with Amberly, and they helped Mommy sort through the MOUNTAINS of clothes that were given to us for you. We got rid of a whole bunch of the really 'boy' stuff as there was so much that I could have dressed you in something different every day of your little life... Luckily Mommys friend Natasha just has a little boy the day after you were born so I'm sure she will get good use of it.

Yesterday your Grandpa-Up-High was here to meet you and today your Auntie Barb. She took Mommy on a little excursion to the craft store so I could get stocked up on everything I need for your announcements. We got back just in time to feed you... you were getting a little impatient!

Whew! What a lot of action in 7 days... Can't wait to see what the next 7 bring!

Love you,


Friday, January 4, 2008

Welcome, Trinity!!!

You are finally here and we couldn't be happier!

We were granted one more chance on Saturday to try and have the labour start on our terms, and Mommy took some castor oil (in a chocolate milkshake so it didn't taste so yucky) and three hours later the contractions started!

You were born on Sunday, December 30th at 11:41 a.m. and you weighed 7 lbs and measured 19.5 inches.

Perfect, beautiful angel, we love you so much.


First Birthday