First Year

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Apple-onia land

T'was a sad sad day today, Peanut.

For I found out that your Aunt Cathy, Uncle Gord and cousins Fraser, James and David are going to be moving to Nova Scotia in August.

When I found out about you, one of the things I immediately thought of was how nice it would be for you to have them to grow up with close by.

However, life (and better job/Master degree plans/Homes with Acreages) sometimes have other ideas in store.

They will be sorely missed, but they better get used to the idea of having their family come to visit, because we will!

Hugs to you,


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Beating of our Hearts

Hi Baby!

We got to see your heart beating for the first time today.

A tiny little flutter on the ultrasound screen... but there it was.

We were so relieved that everything is ok.

I told my team at work today about you. They were all very excited and happy to hear the news.

Ginger. Ginger is my best friend right now.

For all the nausea that is and may happen, you are SO worth it!


First Birthday