First Year

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Here we go...

Hey there Baby,

Well, we've tried just about every trick in the book to get things going as the Doctors are really wanting to get you to come out in the next few days but nothing has worked so far... They just aren't comfortable leaving you in there longer than 42 weeks (which is coming up here... New Year's Eve!).

So we're scheduled for an induction tomorrow afternoon sometime (I'm still going to try the walking-up-a-steep-hill one in the morning to make extra sure that you won't decide to come on your own after all).

I can't wait to meet you face-to-face and welcome you to the world, my darling child.

We can do this!

Loving you so very much already,


Monday, December 24, 2007

making us wait

Hi Sweet Pea,

Guess it's just too snug and warm and comfy in there to come out just yet, hey?

Well, that's just fine with us. The ultrasound today reassured us that you're doing just fine so you go ahead and take as much time as you need.

Meanwhile, Mommy & Daddy have been busy... visiting friends on both Saturday and Sunday nights, and having Christmas dinner at Grandpa Up-High's house tonight. Tomorrow we're headed to Auntie Barb's (unless you suddenly decide that tonight is the night to make your appearance, that is)... I am looking forward to it and to giving everyone their gifts.

You are my gift this year, little one.

Love you!!


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Disco Belly

Hello Little Squirmer!

Here's your parents at Mom's Company holiday party, which just happened to be on her last day of work before her maternity leave started. Talk about good timing! We got to stay in the same hotel where we spent our honeymoon night- it was a lot of fun. Except maybe the 40 minutes mom spent trying to get her fake eyelashes on!!

Love you!


Monday, December 3, 2007

two weeks

Hello Baby!

We are almost ready for you to come out :) Two weeks till your 'official' due date, it really is anyone's guess when you are going to decide to make your arrival. I love feeling you move around in there, and Daddy has gotten to feel a few strong kicks lately too.

Keeping busy around the house, doing laundry, cleaning out the fridge, getting thank you cards written... It's so nice to have some extra time to do these things in a relaxed way. I am heading out to the pool shortly and then will pick up some groceries before it's time to meet Daddy for a photo session at Brenda's. We want to capture this big belly of mine with you inside it.

We are all very excited to meet you face to face... when you're ready, of course!

Love you.


First Birthday